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Telstra Disability Enquiry Hotline
Telstra Disability Enquiry Hotline
formerly Telstra Disability Equipment Centre

Adelaide, SA 5000

1800 068 424
13 3677 TTY
13 3677 TTY

Telstra customers with a disability that results in them being unable to use a standard telephone
May apply for some of the equipment and services available
- Volume control telephone - amplifies the incoming caller's voice
- Extension ringer - assists the user to hear the telephone ring
- Visual alarm unit - for people with hearing impairment
- Holdaphone - provides hands-free operation for people who have difficulty holding the handset
- Braille and large print billing services
- TTY emergency service - information regarding this service
- Big Button Multipurpose Telephone
- Exemptions from cost of Call Connect services - for people unable to dial
- Telebrailler - a TTY for the sight and hearing impaired
Last updated: 19/10/2022
Information provided for: Legacy - Seniors Information - Use in Groups only
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Legacy - Seniors Information - Use in Groups only
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: VIC