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Camellia Society Adelaide Hills Inc.
Camellia Society Adelaide Hills Inc.

Stangate House, 3 Edgeware Rd Aldgate, SA 5154

08 8339 8292 President

PO Box 188 Aldgate, SA 5154
Parent Body:
Camellias Australia
President, Wendy Azadegan
Secretary, Chris Thompson
Secretary, Chris Thompson
Monthly (March - October), 3rd Fri 7pm, Stangate House, 3 Edgeware Rd, Aldgate
Volunteering - people interested in gardening and culture of camellias are welcome to join this group. Membership of the management committee, fundraising, helpers for open days and the annual camellia open days in September are particularly invited to contact the group. New members welcome.
The garden at Stangate House is looked after by the Camellia Society in conjunction with the national Trust (Mt Lofty Branch) who manage the house. The garden is renowned for its camellias and European trees. It features a century old oak on the State Heritage list.
- Camellia plants
- General garden plants
- Goods, home made and home grown
- Devonshire teas are available
- Volunteering - those wanting to help in gardening and interested in culture of camellias
Last updated: 08/02/2023
Information provided for: Adelaide Hills Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Adelaide Hills Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Adelaide Hills Council
Electorate (State): Heysen
Electorate (Federal): Mayo