Crafers Primary School
Crafers Primary School

55 Piccadilly Rd Crafers, SA 5152

08 8339 1073

08 8339 2876
Crafers Primary School is located in the glorious Adelaide Hills. Our unique grounds change with the seasons and provide the children with challenging, active and imaginative play opportunities. We have a ‘fun-pack’ court, two playgrounds (one especially for our early years students), an oval and our very own pine forest.
- Primary School
- Out of School Hours Care
- Vacation Care
Last updated: 18/09/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide Hills Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Adelaide Hills Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: Adelaide Hills Council
Electorate (State): Heysen
Electorate (Federal): Mayo