KnH Quality Time Services
KnH Quality Time Services

Office: 5 Wilkinson Rd Para Hills, SA 5096

08 8389 9288 Office

0408 087 394
0409 098 052 Greg
0409 098 052 Greg

PO Box 513 Lobethal, SA 5241
Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm
Kym or Greg Plunkett
Adults aged 18 years and over with an intellectual or physical disability, autism.
On application
Branch address:
- Hills Program; 383 Paracombe Rd, Paracombe
- NDIS Registered Provider offering day programs for people with an intellectual disability, physical and autism. Programs include voluntary work, sports, health & self care, arts & craft. Areas covered: Adelaide Hills, north & north eastern suburbs. Transport is provided.
- KnH Adelaide Hills Tours & Passenger Services - offering group transfers for Corporate or private functions, group airport transfers, wine tours etc, contact Greg Plunkett - 0437500411
Last updated: 04/03/2024
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Salisbury Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of Salisbury
Electorate (State): Florey
Electorate (Federal): Makin