Mount Pleasant Primary School
Mount Pleasant Primary School

22 Hospital Rd Mount Pleasant, SA 5235

08 8568 2170

08 8568 2516
Mount Pleasant Primary School promotes close working relationships between staff, students and parents. We are all partners in learning, working together to provide the best possible outcomes for all students. We all strive to uphold our values of Respect, Responsibility and Honesty while empowering our learners for successful participation in our school, our community and our future.
- Primary School
- Out of School Hours Care
Last updated: 08/03/2023
Information provided for: Barossa Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Barossa Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: The Barossa Council
Electorate (State): Heysen
Electorate (Federal): Barker