Riverton Kindergarten
Riverton Kindergarten

5 Gilbert St Riverton, SA 5412

08 8847 2109

08 8847 2065
Mon, Wed 9am - 3pm
Director, Jane Leslie
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
Our purpose is to provide every child with the opportunity to develop to their full potential through quality care and teaching. The Kindergarten encourages a rich and relevant play based curriculum to support the development of the whole child. Children are actively engaged in hands on experiences and activities that are relevant to their lives and builds upon previous knowledge and interests.
- Preschool education
- Occasional care - limited availability
- Playgroup for children 0-5 years
Last updated: 31/08/2022
Information provided for: Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: Clare and Gilbert Valleys
Electorate (State): Frome
Electorate (Federal): Grey