Catholic Church - Sevenhill
Catholic Church - Sevenhill

St Aloysius Catholic Church 111a College Rd Sevenhill , SA 5453

08 8843 5930

0458 683 773
Parish Priest, Fr Kieran Gill SJ
Masses are held each Saturday
8am morning mass
11am Reconciliation
6pm Vigil Mass
8am morning mass
11am Reconciliation
6pm Vigil Mass
St Aloysius' Church has served the Parish of Sevenhill since its completion in 1875. A magnificent example of Gothic Revival architecture, the historic church is a striking building set among the vines and gardens of Sevenhill Cellars.
- Church service
- For marriages and other services, please contact us
- Cemetery - burials since 1875
Last updated: 05/10/2023
Information provided for: Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: Clare and Gilbert Valleys
Electorate (State): Frome
Electorate (Federal): Grey

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