Magill Kindergarten
Magill Kindergarten

26 Edward St Magill, SA 5072

08 8332 4803

08 8364 6876

26 Edward Street Magill, SA 5072
Mon, Tues 8.15am - 3.45pm or Thurs, Fri 8.15am - 3.45pm
Isobel Quick
Commencing January in the year the child turns 4 prior to the 1st of May.
Register your child a year prior to entry
- Pre-school education
Last updated: 29/05/2024
Information provided for: Campbelltown Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Campbelltown Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: Campbelltown City Council
Electorate (State): Morialta
Electorate (Federal): Sturt