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Linsell Lodge Aged Care Centre
Linsell Lodge Aged Care Centre

2-16 Cardigan St Angle Park, SA 5010

08 8300 1700
Parent Body:
Salvation Army
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Assessment by Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) required
According to government regulations
Linsell Lodge is a home for those who require ongoing aged care to meet their assessed needs. Linsell provides a full range of professional aged care services. It features wide, well-lit corridors and levelled walkways and paths that lead to our numerous amenities including beautiful gardens and all weather outdoor seating areas. Limited accommodation available for married couples.
- Residential aged care facility (high and low level care) including secure premises for people with dementia
- Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases
- Respite care
Last updated: 22/02/2025
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Council: City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Electorate (State): Croydon
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide