CareWorks Inc
CareWorks Inc
Giving Help Offering Hope

114 Henley Beach Rd, Torrensville, SA 5031

08 8234 5802
08 8234 5828 Emergency Relief Enquiries
08 8234 5828 Emergency Relief Enquiries

08 8234 5066

PO Box 306 Torrensville, SA 5031
Parent Body:
Office: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Appointment required. Pension or Health Care Card and Centrelink statement of income required
Working alongside Churches of Christ congregations to discover and develop their mission to care for people experiencing disadvantage. Assisting those who are disadvantaged through the implementation of social programs.
- Emergency Relief - food, clothing, bus tickets, Monday and Thursday 9:30 to 12:30 at 114 Henley Beach Rd, Torrensville other days at Church of Christ 3 Allen Ave, Brooklyn Park.
- Oasis - accommodation for country hospital patients and families. Hope Street Davoren Park Youth Centre
- Opportunity shops
- Volunteer programs - Enfield & Noarlunga community Centres
Last updated: 30/05/2023
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Edward.
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Edward.
Council: City of West Torrens
Electorate (State): West Torrens
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide