Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)

Mon 7.30pm, Marion City Band Practise Hall, 48 Dunbarton Ave, Edwardstown 5039
Tues 8pm, Eastwood Community Centre, 95 Glen Osmond Rd, Eastwood 5063
Wed 7.30pm & Sat 10am, Back Room, North Adelaide Baptist Church, 146 Tynte St, North Adelaide 5006
Note: Entrance is back of building
Thurs 8pm, Supper Room, Ingle Farm Salvation Army Hall, 120 Maxwell Rd, Ingle Farm 5098
Fri 12.30pm, United Communities, 10 Pitt St, Adelaide 5000 Note: Ask at reception desk for meeting room
Fri 7.30pm, Corporate Room, Bower Cottages, 200 Bower Rd, Semaphore Park 5019
Further Information: Gamblers Anonymous Meetings
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of people who help each other to recover from a gambling problem. Gam-Anon is a fellowship of people who are spouses, relatives or friends who have been affected by the actions of a person with a gambling problem
- Support group - operates a 12 step self help program for compulsive gamblers
Information provided for: Unley Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.