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Vietnamese Community in Australia, SA Chapter Inc.
Vietnamese Community in Australia, SA Chapter Inc.

62 Athol St Athol Park, SA 5012

08 8447 8821

08 8447 5527

PO Box 180 Kilkenny, SA 5009
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
The Vietnamese Community in Australia SA Chapter was established in 1978, as a result of the wave of boat people (refugees) who fled Vietnamese communism after the civil war ended. The organisation has grown significantly and now offers a range of culturally competent services to an increasingly culturally diverse client group: services target Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese people in need, with a focus on people from non-English speaking backgrounds, especially new arrival communities.
- Adult community education - including English language classes
- Aged care - respite care, home and community care
- Children's services - vacation care; tutoring centre
- Drug and alcohol programs - including prevention, early intervention, treatment and rehabilitation services
- Gambling Help services - including community education, financial counselling, relationship counselling and case management services
- Gender equity program
- Harm minimisation program - including clean needle program
- Police Drug Diversion Program
- Reconnect - early intervention for young people at risk of homelessness and their families
- Vietnamese Festivals - Vietnamese Lunar New Year TET and Moon festivals
- Vietnamese Community Ethnic School
- Youth outreach - services to CALD youth at risk of health/ mental health; drugs misuse; abuse; legal issues
Last updated: 11/07/2023
Information provided for: Charles Sturt Council (City of Charles Sturt)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Charles Sturt Council (City of Charles Sturt)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Charles Sturt
Electorate (State): Cheltenham
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh
- 11Clean Needle Programs
- 1024Counselling
- 47 Bereavement Counselling
- 52 Divorce & Separation Counselling
- 90 Gambling Counselling
- 44 Grief Support & Counselling
- 21 Online Counselling
- 25 Pregnancy Counselling
- 53 Psychiatric Services
- 86 Psychology Services
- 86 Relationship Counselling
- 26 Sex Counselling & Therapy
- 86 Sexual Assault Counselling
- 35 Social Workers
- 30 Suicide
- 52 Telephone Counselling
- 13 Youth Workers
- 38English Language
- 285Family Support
- 60Festivals
- 31Gamblers
- 90Gambling Counselling
- 9Immigration
- 1 Visas
- 447Living Skills
- 27Multicultural Schools
- 60Multicultural Welfare Services
- 361Respite Care
- 31Settlement Assistance
- 258Support
- 11Tuition
- 11Vietnamese
- 276Young People