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Isolated Children's Parents Association of SA Inc.
Isolated Children's Parents Association of SA Inc.

Tarcoola, SA

08 8672 2039 Secretary

Wilgena Station, CMB134 Tarcoola, SA 5701
Secretary, Ms Edwina Bowie
Rural and isolated families in South Australia
Branch address:
- Branches at:
- Eyre
- Flinders Ranges
- Marla Oodnadatta
- Marree Air
- North East
- North West
- Port Augusta
- SA Lone Members (non branch members)
ICPA works to promote awareness and understanding on the problems and needs of rural and remote students, assisting them to gain access to appropriate schooling, special services, government and private agencies. ICPA works with politicians, departmental representatives, educational bodies and other groups concerned with the welfare of rural and remote Australians, to rectify the inequalities inherent in educating rural and remote students, as we believe every child has the right to equality of educational opportunity, regardless of where they live.
- Information and referral - including educational allowances
- Retired Educator Volunteers for Isolated Students Education (REVISE) Scheme - retired teachers live for 4-8 weeks with families in remote areas to tutor and provide support to parents and children who are experiencing educational difficulties, behavioural problems or stress
Last updated: 22/05/2024
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Port Augusta City Council
Electorate (State): Stuart
Electorate (Federal): Grey
- 19Education (Interest Groups)
- 9420Personal & Family Support
- 1473 Alternate Care
- 2871 Children's Services
- 142 Community Care
- 1024 Counselling
- 285 Family Support
- 665 Home Care & Support
- 843 Human Relationships
- 515 Personal Development
- 184 Rehabilitation
- 659 Retirement
- 507 Support & Resource Groups
- 26 Tracing Services
- 3Rural Children
- 3Rural Youth