Exceptional Needs Unit
Exceptional Needs Unit

6th Floor, Highgate Bldg, 103 Fisher St Fullarton, SA 5063

08 8448 4610
Parent Body:
Department of Human Services
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
People who require multiple service responses to address their exceptional or high and complex needs which are currently unmet or are unable to be met by the existing service system. People are usually referred by the agency or worker currently providing support
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
South Australian state-wide program that provides assessment and advice to vulnerable populations with complex needs, including people with disabilities, mental health conditions and chronic health problems, or a combination of these.
- Assessment of people with exceptional or high and complex needs, linked to eg disability (psychiatric, intellectual, brain injury); chronic homelessness; functional impairment; social impairment
- Allocation of brokerage funded support for eligible people where funding capacity exists and alternative mainstream services cannot be negotiated
- Identification and reporting of gaps in services for people with exceptional or high and complex needs
- Review of individual cases and the appropriateness of services provided
Last updated: 25/07/2023
Information provided for: Unley Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Information provided for: Unley Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Council: City of Unley
Electorate (State): Unley
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide