Office for Public Integrity (OPI)
Office for Public Integrity (OPI)
formerly Service provided by Office of the Police Ombudsman

Level 1, 101 Grenfell Street Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8207 1777 OPI
1300 782 489 OPI country callers
1300 782 489 OPI country callers

GPO Box 1332 Adelaide, SA 5001
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
The Office for Public Integrity (OPI) plays an important role in keeping public institutions reliable, fair and trustworthy. We do this by: - handling complaints about public administration from members of the public - handling reports about corruption, misconduct and maladministration in public administration from public officers and authorities - referring complaints and reports to inquiry agencies, public authorities or public officers for further investigation or action when needed, such as: Ombudsman SA the Independent Commission Against Corruption Judicial Conduct Commissioner - overseeing the assessment and investigation of complaints and reports about the conduct of SA Police officers.
- Receives complaints about the conduct of police officers and maintains a register of complaints
- Oversees complaint investigations conducted by SAPOL, investigates certain complaints and assesses the merits of complaints
- Resolves complaints by conciliation where possible
- Recommends disciplinary or other action
- Reports to Parliament on the handling of complaints about police
Last updated: 02/09/2022
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide