History Trust of SA
History Trust of SA

Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Dr Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8203 9888

08 8203 9889

GPO Box 1836 Adelaide, SA 5001
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Wheelchair access
Branch address:
- The History Trust operates three museums:
- The Migration Museum,
- The National Motor Museum and
- The South Australian Maritime Museum as well as
- The Centre for Democracy.
- The trust also partners with other Australian museums to present exhibitions.
The History Trust operates three museums and an exhibition gallery. The trust also partners with other Australian museums to present exhibitions.
The History Trust's Explore History website http://explorehistory.com.au/ features a directory of museums and historical societies
- Management of museums
- History Resource Centre - provides advice to museums, historical societies, historians and researchers
- Museums Accreditation and Grants Program for South Australian community museums and historical societies
- South Australian History Fund - encourages research in and presentation of South Australia's history in the community
- Annual State History Conference
- Library - including historical photograph collection
- Exhibitions focusing on the history of South Australia and the city of Adelaide
- Explore History - Directory of South Australia's community museums and historical societies
- Volunteer program - cataloguing collections, maintaining research libraries, research, providing education and school holiday programs, conducting oral history interviews
Last updated: 16/05/2023
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide