Holiday Explorers Inc.
Holiday Explorers Inc.

69 Edward St Norwood, SA 5067

08 8331 2399

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
People with intellectual disability over 16 years of age, living in South Australia.
Holiday Explorers is an NDIS registered provider. Clients are able to nominate their preferred method of payment. Clients pay an annual membership fee and a quoted gap payment for any holiday costs which are not covered by NDIS.
- Supported participation in community and social activities
- Engagement in activities to promote social inclusion
- Group based activities during the day, weekend and longer holidays
- Supported development of daily living and life skills
- Health, fitness and personal well-being activities
- Assistance with personal activities
- Recreation - holiday packages for people with intellectual disability
- Assistance with short term respite for Tourists and their carers to have a break
- Recruitment and training of volunteer carers who provide assistance for the client
- Senior Explorers social support and activities designed for clients over 65 years of age
- Meet and Greet service for country members, including convenient meeting locations
Last updated: 27/08/2023
Information provided for: Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Council (City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Council (City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Norwood Payneham and St Peters
Electorate (State): Dunstan
Electorate (Federal): Sturt
- 7380Health & Disability
- 101 Community Health Services
- 17 Complementary Health
- 72 Dental Services
- 11 Diagnostic Services
- 598 Disabilities
- 684 Diseases, Disorders
- 30 Eye Services
- 157 Family & Child Health
- 11 Health Concessions
- 334 Health Education
- 5 Health Insurance
- 2442 Health Maintenance, Personal Wellbeing
- 371 Health Services
- 437 Health Therapies
- 37 Hearing Services
- 174 Hospitals
- 121 Medical Aids & Appliances
- 642 Medical Services
- 496 Mental Health
- 73 Nursing Services
- 12 Occupational Health & Safety
- 32 Pharmaceutical Services
- 208 Public Health
- 18 Rehabilitation (Medical)
- 258 Reproductive Health
- 164 Substance Abuse
- 372Holidays
- 153Intellectually Disabled
- 2198Recreation Activities
- 218 After School Activities
- 17 Air Training Groups
- 35 Cadets
- 152 Community Centres
- 53 Community Shed Programs
- 70 Day Options
- 25 Drop-In Centres
- 50 Guiding
- 34 Licensed Clubs
- 33 Lodges (Societies)
- 10 Marching
- 6 Schools For Seniors
- 100 Scouting
- 146 Senior Citizens Clubs
- 855 Social & Activity Groups
- 40 Youth Clubs
- 361Respite Care
- 172Seniors
- 855Social & Activity Groups