Estia Health Craigmore
Estia Health Craigmore
formerly Sandringham Private Residential Care

150 Adams Rd Craigmore, SA 5114

08 8256 8800
1300 682 833 New resident enquiries
1300 682 833 New resident enquiries
Residential care: assessment by Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Units: self-sufficient people
Residential care: according to government regulations. Units: entry contribution
- Residential aged care facility (low level care and high level care)
- Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases
- Respite care (low level care)
- Independent living units for the aged - located in Elizabeth East
- Serviced apartments for the aged
Last updated: 21/04/2024
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Playford
Electorate (State): Elizabeth
Electorate (Federal): Spence