Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline

Brisbane, Queensland 4000

1800 551 800 Counselling

07 3367 1266

GPO Box 2469 Brisbane, Queensland 4001
Parent Body:
Counselling: 24 hours, 7 days per week
Admin: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm (EST)
Admin: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm (EST)
Children and young people within Australia aged 5 - 25 years old
A national service operating from Brisbane. All calls are handled anonymously and confidentially.
- Telephone, web and email counselling on issues including family relationships, mental health, eating and body image, suicide, bullying, child abuse, drug and alcohol
- Direct access to a counsellor of choice (male or female) and arrangements for future counselling with the same counsellor
- Parentline for counselling and support
- Referral to other community and government services
- Research into youth problems and needs throughout Australia
Last updated: 30/01/2024
Information provided for: Interstate: Queensland
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Interstate: Queensland
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: QLD
Electorate (State): QLD
- 39Child Protection
- 853Children
- 1024Counselling
- 47 Bereavement Counselling
- 52 Divorce & Separation Counselling
- 90 Gambling Counselling
- 44 Grief Support & Counselling
- 21 Online Counselling
- 25 Pregnancy Counselling
- 53 Psychiatric Services
- 86 Psychology Services
- 86 Relationship Counselling
- 26 Sex Counselling & Therapy
- 86 Sexual Assault Counselling
- 35 Social Workers
- 30 Suicide
- 52 Telephone Counselling
- 13 Youth Workers
- 361Information & Referral
- 10Prevention
- 30Suicide
- 52Telephone Counselling
- 18Telephone Support
- 276Young People