Hearing Australia - Adelaide
Hearing Australia - Adelaide
formerly Australian Hearing

Domain Building, Shop 3, 209 Grenfell St Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8228 9000
13 4432
13 4432
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm
People under 21 years, Pensioner Concession Card holders, Veterans Affairs pensioners or their dependants, Aboriginal people 50 years and older, young adults 21 to 26 years and partners of eligible people. Referral/Application forms available from medical practitioners for new clients or contact the centre for free hearing screening
Nominal annual charge for batteries and maintenance of hearing aids
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
Branch address:
- See website for a centre near you
- Hearing assessment
- Hearing rehabilitation
- Provision of hearing aids and assistive devices
Last updated: 20/05/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide