Centacare Youth Services Elizabeth
Centacare Youth Services Elizabeth

34 Yorktown Rd Elizabeth Park, SA 5113

08 8252 2311
Parent Body:
Centacare Catholic Family Services
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Young people 15-25 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Elizabeth and Gawler areas
For accommodation
A regional youth accommodation and support service covering the outer northern council areas of Playford and Gawler. Support is provided to assist young people who are homeless to move into long term independent accommodation and to assist young people to maintain their existing accommodation.
- Fully supported accommodation at Carlow Place for young people aged 15-17
- Medium term supported accommodation for young people aged 17-25
- Outreach support services
- Counselling and case management
- Living skills development
- Mental Health Rehabilitation Services - non-clinical support to adults in the northern country region incorporating Barossa, Burra, Clare and Gawler, in partnership with Country Health SA
Last updated: 21/05/2024
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Playford
Electorate (State): Elizabeth
Electorate (Federal): Spence