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Multicultural Communities Council of SA Inc. (MCCSA)
Multicultural Communities Council of SA Inc. (MCCSA)
formerly Ethnic Communities Council of South Australia (ECCSA)
Building Successful Communities
Mon - Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm
Membership fees apply annually
Downstairs only is fully wheelchair accessible (Community Hall and Community Office)., Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
Admission procedures:
Membership application available via phone or website
Venue hire
MCCSA Community Hub has three hireable spaces, ranging in size and capacity: Community Office, Training Room and Community Hall. They are free for our community group members, however also available for commercial/public hire.
Learn more about our facilities here: https://mccsa.org.au/facilities/
MCCSA members enjoy free or discounted rates for hiring MCCSA Hall & Training Room for community events (depending on membership category. Conditions apply)
Venue available
- Description of facilities: Community Office, Training Room and Community Hall
- Name and location: MCCSA Community Hub, 113 Gilbert Street, Adelaide SA 5000
- Capacity: 70 (Community Hall, lecture-style seating)
- Equipment available: Projector, White board, microphone, speakers. Kitchen facilities: Commercial fridge, Dishwasher, Microwave, Cutlery & crockery, Tables and chairs.
- Rental fee: Fees apply. Low cost or FREE for members.
Multicultural Communities Council of SA will support and advocate for all people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to realise their potential as active contributors to the economic, social and cultural life of South Australia.
- Advocacy for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in South Australia
- Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme - companionship and social support provided by bilingual volunteers to people in residential aged care facilities
- Youth Council - for young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- Transport - community-driven mini-bus service for multicultural organisations and community groups
- Multicultural Playgroup
- Reconnect program - early intervention for young people at risk of homelessness
- Community Development Support - to supply practical support to people within emerging culturally diverse community groups - this allows them to plan for the future, develop strong leadership, engage people & volunteers, execute successful projects, events, plus much more. Assistance provided in grant application writing to member groups
- Support to highlight the needs of CALD people in research studies
- Members access to facilities and MCCSA resources
Last updated: 10/05/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Veronica.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Veronica.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide
- 9Advisory Bodies
- 72Advocacy Services
- 6Awareness Weeks
- 24Bus Services
- 14Catering Facilities
- 449Charities
- 374 Fund Raising
- 127Community Arts
- 151Community Centres
- 209Community Development Services
- 483Community Events
- 3 Anniversaries
- 7 Art Competitions
- 6 Awareness Weeks
- 5 Circuses
- 34 Community Markets
- 38 Exhibitions
- 28 Fairs
- 60 Festivals
- 2 Gymkhanas
- 91 Markets
- 4 Public Holidays
- 1 Rodeos
- 85 School Holidays
- 41 Shows
- 2464Community Facilities
- 1 Animal Pounds
- 48 Baby Care Rooms
- 6 Boat Launching Ramps
- 45 Camping Facilities
- 79 Caravan Parks
- 14 Catering Facilities
- 57 Cemeteries
- 151 Community Centres
- 36 Conference Venues
- 13 Convention Facilities
- 4 Cycle Paths
- 29 Exhibition Facilities
- 221 Function Facilities
- 799 Halls For Hire
- 76 Meeting Rooms
- 5 Parking Facilities
- 98 Parks & Reserves
- 49 Playgrounds
- 122 Police Stations
- 2 Polling Booths
- 358 Post Offices
- 12 Public Toilets
- 5 Reception Facilities
- 15 Rubbish Tips
- 13 Showers (Public Use)
- 6 Showgrounds
- 75 Sportsgrounds
- 16 Youth Centres
- 61Community Information Services
- 32Community Languages
- 22Community Newsletters
- 2Community Noticeboards
- 6003Community Organisation & Development
- 59Community Projects
- 36Community Radio
- 42Community Transport
- 36Conference Venues
- 13Convention Facilities
- 598Disabilities
- 52Employment Assistance Programs
- 26English as a Second Language
- 29Exhibition Facilities
- 38Exhibitions
- 39Friendly Visiting
- 10Friendly Visiting (Home)
- 221Function Facilities
- 58Gentle Exercise
- 28Grants
- 18Group Leadership Skills
- 799Halls For Hire
- 360Information & Referral
- 16Information Dissemination
- 4International Social Work Services
- 24Job Network
- 82Job Placement
- 37Leadership Skills
- 76Meeting Rooms
- 13Mentoring Programs
- 37Migrants
- 37Multicultural Arts & Culture
- 114Multicultural Community Groups
- 437Multicultural Groups & Services
- 30Multicultural Issues
- 1Multicultural Newspapers
- 16Multicultural Organisations
- 6Multicultural Radio
- 9Multicultural Women's Groups
- 61Peer Support
- 515Personal Development
- 426Playgroups
- 11Policy Development
- 2193Recreation Activities
- 218 After School Activities
- 17 Air Training Groups
- 35 Cadets
- 151 Community Centres
- 53 Community Shed Programs
- 70 Day Options
- 25 Drop-In Centres
- 50 Guiding
- 34 Licensed Clubs
- 33 Lodges (Societies)
- 10 Marching
- 6 Schools For Seniors
- 100 Scouting
- 143 Senior Citizens Clubs
- 855 Social & Activity Groups
- 40 Youth Clubs
- 1Statistics
- 2Submission Writing
- 507Support & Resource Groups
- 54Supported Employment
- 3Translating
- 429Transport
- 318Voluntary Work
- 175Volunteer Recruitment & Training
- 14Volunteer Referral
- 13Work Experience Programs
- 8Work Preparation Programs
- 94Yoga
- 276Young People
- 40Youth Clubs
- 13Youth Workers