Salvation Army - Towards Independence
Salvation Army - Towards Independence

Level 1, 62 Whitmore Sq Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8110 8500
08 8212 1215
08 8212 1215

08 8110 8599
Office and referrals: Mon - Fri 11am - 1pm
Adults experiencing alcohol & other drug issues and homelessness
One organisation, many services meeting peoples needs at their point and time of need". Towards Independence strives to: reconnect homeless people, assist people to break the cycle of addiction & walk alongside people experiencing mental illness to sustain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
- Sobering Up Unit - 24 hour 7 day alcohol and drug immediate recovery service (non medical)
- Supported Accommodation and Recovery Services (West) - residential counselling-based rehabilitation program including Aboriginal Outreach & Engage & Link Initiative; Indigenous casework sevices & supported accommodation
- Supported Accommodation and Recovery Services (East) - self contained supported accommodation - counselling based outreach support services
- SMART recovery sessions (open)
- IT Futures Initiative - IT training and computer based support, connecting homeless people
- Lifestyle activities
- Chaplaincy
Last updated: 11/07/2023
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide