Ronald McDonald House Adelaide
Ronald McDonald House Adelaide

271 Melbourne St North Adelaide, SA 5006

08 8267 6922

08 8267 6933
Parent Body:
Ronald McDonald House Charities - SA
24 hours a day, 7 days per week
Country families with a child who is seriously ill and undergoing treatment. Referral required from GP or from medical, nursing or social work staff at Women's & Children's Hospital
Client contribution according to ability to pay
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Located near the Women's & Children's Hospital. There are 11 Ronald McDonald Houses throughout Australia supported by Ronald McDonald House Charities.
- Supported accommodation for families with a child requiring treatment for serious illness
- Support - provided by volunteers
Last updated: 21/06/2023
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide