Yadu Health Aboriginal Corporation (YHAC)
Yadu Health Aboriginal Corporation (YHAC)
formerly Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service
Aboriginal community controlled health service

1 Eyre Hwy Ceduna, SA 5690

08 8626 2500

08 8626 2530

PO Box 314 Ceduna, SA 5690
Ceduna Clinic, Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm (except Public Holidays)
Koonibba Outreach Clinic, Mon 1.30pm - 4pm (child health) and Tue 10am - 4pm (clinic)
Scotdesco Outreach Clinic, Once a month 10am - 2pm
Seaview Village, Everyday 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm
Koonibba Outreach Clinic, Mon 1.30pm - 4pm (child health) and Tue 10am - 4pm (clinic)
Scotdesco Outreach Clinic, Once a month 10am - 2pm
Seaview Village, Everyday 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm
Aboriginal people living in Ceduna and region including Scotdesco, Koonibba, Tia Tuckia, Munda and Wanna Mar homelands
Bulk billing available for Medicare rebatable services
Wheelchair access
Branch address:
- Koonibba Outreach Clinic
- Scotdesco Outreach Clinic
- Gambling Help Service - Aboriginal specific - Ceduna
- Seaview Village, Thevenard SA 5690
- General Practitioners available
- Visiting specialists at Ceduna Clinic include cardiologist, podiatrist, paediatrician, endocrinologist, physiotherapist, opthamologist, sonographer, psychiatrist, dietician, respiratory physician, audiologist from Hearing Australia, women's health practitioner and ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT)
- Outreach clinics at Koonibba and Scotdesco
- Residential aged care at Seaview Village
- Connected Beginnings Community Program: Assisting community with maternal, child and family health activities
- Social and Emotional Wellbeing Community Program: Providing Support and Assistance to the community by offering services like Emergency Financial Assistance, Gambling Intervention, Family Support, Housing Support, Counselling and Domestic Abuse Support
- Community Home Support Program: Providing in-home Assistance to Senior Aged Citizens of the community to allow them to stay living in their own homes for as long as they can. Assistance includes transportation, home maintenance, domestic assistance, group meals, shopping assistance, home visit, personal care and social support.
- Youth Program: Assisting and Supporting Youth in the community to develop skills in different areas of their life
- Yadu Health Community Gym: Assisting community to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle
Last updated: 10/09/2024
Information provided for: Ceduna Council (District Council of Ceduna)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Information provided for: Ceduna Council (District Council of Ceduna)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Council: District Council of Ceduna
Electorate (State): Flinders
Electorate (Federal): Grey
- 138Aboriginal People
- 57Alcohol Abuse Education
- 40Antenatal Care & Education
- 853Children
- 21Chronic Illness
- 101Community Health Services
- 1024Counselling
- 47 Bereavement Counselling
- 52 Divorce & Separation Counselling
- 90 Gambling Counselling
- 44 Grief Support & Counselling
- 21 Online Counselling
- 25 Pregnancy Counselling
- 53 Psychiatric Services
- 86 Psychology Services
- 86 Relationship Counselling
- 26 Sex Counselling & Therapy
- 86 Sexual Assault Counselling
- 35 Social Workers
- 30 Suicide
- 52 Telephone Counselling
- 13 Youth Workers
- 40Drug Abuse Education
- 44Grief Support & Counselling
- 371Health Services
- 665Home Care & Support
- 102Home Delivered Meals
- 57Immunisation
- 642Medical Services
- 50Mens Health
- 54Nutrition Education
- 4Optometrists
- 130Physiotherapy
- 92Podiatry
- 53Psychiatric Services
- 1Psychiatrists
- 4Psychologists
- 86Psychology Services
- 60Womens Health