Nganampa Health Council Inc.
Nganampa Health Council Inc.

Umuwa, SA 0872

08 8954 9040 Umuwa Office
08 8952 5300 Alice Springs Office
08 8954 9045 Health Services Manager
08 8952 5300 Alice Springs Office
08 8954 9045 Health Services Manager

08 8956 7850 Umuwa Office Fax
08 8952 2299 Alice Springs Office Fax
08 8952 2299 Alice Springs Office Fax

PO Box 2232 Alice Springs, Northern Territory 0871
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm
People living on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, in the far north-west of South Australia
Branch address:
- Alice Springs Office
- 3 Wilkinson Street, Ciccone NT 0870
- Amata Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 2910
- Fregon Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 2918
- Iwantja Clinic
- Ph: 08 8670 7986
- Mimili Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 2974
- Nyapari Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 7942
- Pipalyatjara Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 7503
- Pukatja Clinic
- Ph: 08 8956 2946
An Aboriginal owned and controlled health organisation operating on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the far north west of South Australia.
- Clinical services staffed by Aboriginal health workers, nurses and visiting medical officers
- Aged and disability care program - daily meals, laundry, personal care, transport to enable people to remain on their land for as long as possible and avoid residential placement or hospitalisation
- Child health services - immunisation, school aged screening, child growth monitoring and nutrition
- Dental services - clinics at Pukatja and Iwantja; dental truck visits other communities and homelands where possible
- Health worker education and training
- Mental health services
- Sexual health services - including STD and HIV prevention
- Respite care for aged people - short term residential respite at Tjilpi Pampa Ngura Respite Facility, Pukatja
- Women's health program - reproductive health, breast and cervical screening, health education program for young women
- Education and training for health workers - Certificate 2 and 3 in Aboriginal Primary Health Care
- UPK (Uwangkara Palyanyku Kanyintjaku) environmental health program provides advice to communities on power generation and supply, housing, waste management and water
Last updated: 15/05/2024
Information provided for: Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Information provided for: Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Council: APY Lands
Electorate (State): Giles
Electorate (Federal): Grey
- 138Aboriginal People
- 65Ageing in Place
- 101Community Health Services
- 72Dental Services
- 27 Dentists
- 16Environmental Health
- 30Eye Services
- 334Health Education
- 371Health Services
- 37Hearing Services
- 665Home Care & Support
- 50Mens Health
- 496Mental Health
- 258Reproductive Health
- 177Respite Care (Residential)
- 26Sexual Health
- 60Womens Health
- 2X-rays