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Two Wells Community Children's Centre - Kindergarten and Child Care (TWCCC)
Two Wells Community Children's Centre - Kindergarten and Child Care (TWCCC)
formerly Two Wells Kindergarten
Childcare centre and preschool

27a Gawler Rd Two Wells, SA 5501

08 8520 2358

0447 002 928

08 8520 2387

c/- Post Office Two Wells, SA 5501
Childcare Opening Times:
Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm
Morning Sessions 7am 0 12.30om
Afternoon Sessions 12.30pm - 6pm
Before Pre-School Care Mon - Fri 7am - 8.45am
After Pre-school Care Mon - Fri 3pm - 6pm
Holiday Care for School Children Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm
Two options -
Mon & Tues 8.30am - 3pm
Wed 8.30am - 12.30pm
Thurs & Fri 8.30am - 3pm
Wed 8.30am - 12.30pm
Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm
Morning Sessions 7am 0 12.30om
Afternoon Sessions 12.30pm - 6pm
Before Pre-School Care Mon - Fri 7am - 8.45am
After Pre-school Care Mon - Fri 3pm - 6pm
Holiday Care for School Children Mon - Fri 7am - 6pm
Two options -
Mon & Tues 8.30am - 3pm
Wed 8.30am - 12.30pm
Thurs & Fri 8.30am - 3pm
Wed 8.30am - 12.30pm
Child care - children 6 weeks to 6 years - full time, part time and respite care.
Preschool - 4 - 5 years, children can access 30 hours preschool per year or 15 hours per week.
Preschool - 4 - 5 years, children can access 30 hours preschool per year or 15 hours per week.
For all services. Child Care Benefit for eligible families
For wheelchairs, including toilets and parking, Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
- Child care - full day, part day and respite care
- Emergency care
- Pre-school education
- Playgroup
- Child & Youth Health (visiting service)
Last updated: 11/08/2023
Information provided for: Adelaide Plains Council (Mallala)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Adelaide Plains Council (Mallala)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: Adelaide Plains Council
Electorate (State): Frome
Electorate (Federal): Grey