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Early Child Parent Services Central
Early Child Parent Services Central
formerly Parenting Network

Bldg 11, Parks Community Centre, 50 Trafford St, Angle Park, SA 5010

08 8243 5599

08 8268 3365
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Families living in the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and some nearby suburbs who are expecting a child or have children aged 0-3 and are assessed as vulnerable due to a range of social, emotional and physical issues
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Aims to assist families to provide a safe environment for their children and enable them to develop to their optimal potential
- Intensive home-based support for vulnerable families
- Linking to local services
- Information and support on a range of health issues
- Health and well-being programs and information
- One-to-one and group activities - including social groups, Indigenous group, baby attachment group, health workshops
- Fatherhood Support Program - supporting men in their parenting role through groups on the post-natal ward and community-based courses held in the northern and western suburbs
- Preschool
- School Transition
- Community development activities and events
Last updated: 11/07/2023
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Electorate (State): Croydon
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide