Vermont Estate
Vermont Estate
formerly Vermont Retirement Estate

7A Wheaton St South Plympton, SA 5038

08 8293 8186 Village Manager
1800 550 550 Customer Support Consultants
1800 550 550 Customer Support Consultants

0439 020 687 Sales Manager
0488 051 380 Village Manager
0488 051 380 Village Manager
Village Manager, Pam Pudney
Sales Manager, Katherine Clark
Sales Manager, Katherine Clark
People 55 years and over
- Retirement village
- Staff on duty 24 hours
- Indoor bowls, cards, bingo and monthly dinners
Last updated: 12/06/2024
Information provided for: Marion Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Marion Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: City of Marion
Electorate (State): Badcoe
Electorate (Federal): Boothby

- 2431Accommodation
- 509Aged
- 141Retirement Villages