MarionLIFE Community Services Inc.
MarionLIFE Community Services Inc.
formerly Marion Community Centre - Emergency Relief

Closed Fri and public holidays
Emergency assistance
- food vouchers, information, referrals, support
Weekly, Mon - Thurs 9am - 12pm
Side Gate Cafe - affordable meals
Weekly, Mon, Wed & Thurs 9.30am-1pm
Brekky For Blokes - social and support group for men
Monthly, 2nd & 4th Fri 9am.
Gold coin donation appreciated
Community meal
Monthly, 1st & 3rd Thurs 6.30pm.
Gold coin donation appreciated
Marion Mugs - a coffee and chat group
Weekly, Mon 9.30am - 11am.
Drop in and meet some friendly new people
Women Together - women's social group
jointly hosted with the Australian Refugee Association
Weekly, Wed 1.30pm - 3pm during school terms.
Community garden
Tues & Thurs am call to enquire
Adult Education Courses and classes - call to enquire
Boost Business Incubator - call to enquire
iDrive with Community Centres SA - call to enquire
MarionLIFE Community Services is a not-for-profit community organisation providing support to individuals and families in need.
- Emergency assistance - food vouchers, information, referrals, support
- Financial Counselling with UnitingCare Wesley Bowden UCWB
- Australian Refugee Association Southern Base
- Good Gear opportunity shop
- Side Gate Cafe - affordable meals
- Tax Help July - October
- Volunteer program
Information provided for: Marion Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.