Hahndorf Town Band Inc.
Hahndorf Town Band Inc.

Hahndorf Band Hall, 15 Balhannah Rd Hahndorf, SA 5245

08 8388 7280 Learner Education and Hall Hire

0457 902 490 Secretary

40 Balhannah Rd Hahndorf, SA 5245
Learner Education and Hall hire, Kathy Francis
Secretary, Susannah Cook
Secretary, Susannah Cook
Senior band rehearsal, Weekly, Mon 7.45pm,
Hahndorf Band Hall
Hahndorf Band Hall
Experienced players and beginners welcome
- Brass band - performing popular music, light classical and traditional and contemporary brass band arrangements
- Available to play for community celebrations, fetes, parades, festivals
Last updated: 19/08/2024
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Mount Barker District Council
Electorate (State): Heysen
Electorate (Federal): Mayo