Probus Club - Blue Lake
Probus Club - Blue Lake

South Aussie Hotel, Commercial St East Mount Gambier, SA 5290

08 8725 1362 Secretary
08 8725 5597 President
08 8725 1138 Treasurer
08 8725 5597 President
08 8725 1138 Treasurer

0417 505 688 Vice President

87 Lake Terrace East Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Parent Body:
President: Kath Hearne
Vice President: Tony Freeman
Secretary, Neil Richardson,
Treasurer, Margaret Marshall
Vice President: Tony Freeman
Secretary, Neil Richardson,
Treasurer, Margaret Marshall
Monthly 3rd Tues 10am
Retired people. Partners encouraged.
Annual Membership
- Social club for retired men and women
- An interesting speaker at each monthly meeting
- A varied social calender.
- Non profit, non-fund raising, no political or religious affiliations
Last updated: 24/05/2023
Information provided for: Mount Gambier Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Mount Gambier Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Mount Gambier
Electorate (State): Mount Gambier
Electorate (Federal): Barker