Original Open Market
Original Open Market
Not-for-profit community market

121 Beach Rd Christies Beach, SA 5165

08 8382 4784 Liz Stanley

0405 025 968
1st and 3rd Sun 8am - 1pm (sellers to purchase tickets from 7am to 7.45am)
Stallholders to book before the day
No professional or commercial traders permitted
No new goods permitted, except crafts or home grown food stuffs
Dogs prohibited
No professional or commercial traders permitted
No new goods permitted, except crafts or home grown food stuffs
Dogs prohibited
Wheelchair access, Accessible parking
The Original Open Market is a not-for-profit open air trash n' treasure market held on The Reserve, which donates money raised from stall site fees to people, organizations, and charities within the City of Onkaparinga.
Markets falling on a holiday weekend may be held on the holiday Monday. If weather is inclement, at (8.am) the market may be postponed to the following Sunday with sellers using the same ticket
- Community Market
- Secondhand goods
- Secondhand Clothes
- home grown fruit and vegetables, plants,
- home made jewellery and crafts
- antiques, collectables, bric-a-brac
Last updated: 16/03/2023
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: putri.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: putri.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Kaurna
Electorate (Federal): Kingston