St John the Apostle Catholic Parish School
St John the Apostle Catholic Parish School

14 Winnerah Rd Christies Beach, SA 5165

08 8382 2064

08 8326 1402

PO Box 116 Christies Beach, SA 5165
Principal, Leanne Johansen
Wheelchair and toilet access ground level
- Catholic co-ed primary education - Reception to Year 6
- Before and after school hours care 6.30am - 6.30pm
Last updated: 21/05/2024
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Reynell
Electorate (Federal): Kingston