Southern Vales Christadelphians
Southern Vales Christadelphians

Bible Education Centre, 104 Melsetter Rd Huntfield Heights, SA 5163

08 8382 7357
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
- Sunday Service 11am, Sunday School 9.30am
- Bible education courses 9.45am, bible study Wed 7.45pm, bible readings group 2nd Thurs 11am
Last updated: 19/09/2022
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Hurtle Vale
Electorate (Federal): Kingston

- 12Christadelphians
- 577Crafts
- 3 Basketry
- 3 Beading
- 3 Calligraphy
- 1 Copperwork
- 14 Crochet
- 1 Doll Making
- 3 Dyeing
- 20 Embroidery
- 1 Fabric Design & Painting
- 20 Flower Arranging
- 5 Folk Art
- 13 Gem Crafts
- 5 Glass Work
- 4 Gold & Silversmithing
- 5 Jewellery Making
- 1 Kites
- 31 Knitting
- 7 Lacemaking
- 2 Leatherwork
- 1 Macrame
- 12 Metal Work
- 6 Mosaics
- 10 Needlecraft
- 1 Paper Making
- 53 Patchwork, Quilting
- 1 Picture Framing
- 13 Pottery, Ceramics
- 3 Printmaking
- 7 Scrapbooking
- 26 Sewing
- 1 Silk Painting
- 2 Soft Toys & Furnishings
- 19 Spinning
- 3 Tapestry
- 3 Threadwork
- 1 Wearable Art
- 12 Weaving
- 2 Woodburning
- 6 Woodcraft
- 426Playgroups