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Willunga District Community Bus
Willunga District Community Bus

18 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach, SA 5173

08 8557 7899 24hr message bank
1300 365 729 Transport Options Service
1300 365 729 Transport Options Service

PO Box 1112 Aldinga Beach, SA 5173
Office Mon - Fri 8am - 11.30am. Booking required 24 hours in advance
Frail aged, isolated, and young people with disabilities and people who are transport-disadvantaged living in Aldinga, Sellicks Beach, McLaren Vale, Port Willunga and Willunga areas
Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
- The Willunga District Community Bus is a volunteer service available for the frail, aged and those with disabilities residing in the Willunga, Aldinga, Sellicks Beach and McLaren Vale areas.
- Transport provided to attend their nearest shopping centre, community centre, library and seniors clubs.
- Travel is between Willunga, McLaren Vale, Aldinga and Sellicks Beach seniors clubs, community centres, library and shopping centres.
- Two days per week the community bus provides a medical run service between Sellicks Beach and Aldinga
Last updated: 04/03/2024
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Mawson
Electorate (Federal): Mayo