South Coast Chamber Orchestra
South Coast Chamber Orchestra
formerly Willunga Orchestras

St Johns Lutheran Church, School Rd Mount Compass, SA 5210

0407 673 334 Wendy Dyson
Rehearsals - South Coast Chamber Orchestra Thurs 7pm, NEETO Fri 7.30pm, Mount Compass String Orchestra Sat morning
- Instrumentalists of all ages playing a wide range of musical styles, concerts held throughout the year
- South Coast Chamber Orchestra during school terms
- NEETO Orchestra (Never Ever Ever Too Old)
- Mount Compass String Orchestra
- Violin and viola tuition, traditional and Suzuki
Last updated: 03/10/2023
Information provided for: Alexandrina Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Alexandrina Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Alexandrina Council
Electorate (State): Finniss
Electorate (Federal): Mayo
- 541Music
- 64 Bands
- 1 Busking
- 101 Choirs
- 10 Classical Music
- 8 Country Music
- 2 Eisteddfods
- 10 Folk Music
- 26 Hip Hop
- 16 Jazz
- 12 Music Appreciation
- 6 Music Teachers
- 28 Musical Instruments
- 16 Musical Societies
- 5 Operas
- 16 Orchestras
- 74 Singing
- 16Orchestras