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Uniting Church - Windsor Gardens
Uniting Church - Windsor Gardens

3 Pitman Rd Windsor Gardens, SA 5087

08 8261 4391 Office
08 8362 5925 Secretary
08 8362 5925 Secretary
Prayer meeting and fellowship, weekly, Wed 11am - 12.30pm
Sunday services, 10.30am, Communion, 3rd Sun
Cheer Up group: A friendship group meeting monthly, 2nd Fri 10.30am - 12.30pm
Contact church office or 0410 630 804
Wheelchair access
- Church services
- Pastoral care
- Cheer up group: Coffee, craft/games friendship
- Op Shop open Fri 9am to 3pm
Last updated: 03/04/2023
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Electorate (State): Torrens
Electorate (Federal): Sturt

- 83Bible Study Groups
- 1740Churches, Religions
- 126 Anglican
- 54 Australian Christian Churches
- 17 Baha'i
- 72 Baptist
- 1 Brethren
- 12 Buddhist
- 199 Catholic
- 12 Christadelphians
- 1 Christian Science
- 47 Churches of Christ
- 1 Hare Krishna
- 6 Hindu
- 18 Islam
- 15 Jehovah's Witnesses
- 3 Judaism
- 9 Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
- 124 Lutheran
- 51 Non-Denominational Churches & Religions
- 29 Orthodox Churches
- 43 Pentecostal
- 15 Presbyterian & Reformed
- 73 Salvation Army
- 39 Seventh Day Adventist
- 4 Sikh
- 6 Spiritualist
- 1 Unitarian
- 168 Uniting Church
- 798Halls For Hire
- 293Opportunity Shops
- 855Social & Activity Groups
- 168Uniting Church
- 224Women