Adelaide Yoga Meditation Centre
Adelaide Yoga Meditation Centre

Lokananda, 9 Main St Point Pass, SA 5374

08 8581 1758
Yoga at the Semaphore Uniting Church: Thurs, 9.20-10.20am
Branch address:
- Adelaide Yoga Mediation Centre - Semaphore
- St Bede's Anglican Church Hall
Beginners welcome! A gentle yoga of stretching and movements to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Mature students are invited to join us.
A great way to keep flexibility and balance while building strength. Guided meditations to relax and replenish your positive energy. Great fun!
- Yoga classes
- Meditation sessions and courses
- Retreats
Last updated: 01/06/2024
Information provided for: Goyder Council (Regional Council of Goyder)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Information provided for: Goyder Council (Regional Council of Goyder)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Council: Regional Council of Goyder