Health Focus
Health Focus
formerly Nerrilda Day Therapy Centre

71 Stokes Tce Port Augusta, SA 5700

08 8641 9191
People aged 60 years and over living in the council areas of Port Augusta and Flinders Ranges. Entry to all programs is by referral through My Aged Care: Tel. 1800 200 422 or visit
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
- Centre Based Day Care - Aged - LETS KEEP ACTIVE PROGRAM Tues/Wed 10.30am - 2.30pm
- Day Respite - Out of Home - Dementia Activity Program Friday 11am - 2.30pm
- Exercise Groups - Exercise Class Mon 3pm - 4pm. Various other classes check with coordinator
- Falls Prevention - Occuptional Therapist provides assessments. No fee
- Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapist assessment required. No fee
- Physiotherapy - Occupational Therapist assessement required
- Rehabilitation - Occupational Therapist assessment required. Some fees may apply for some services
- Speech Pathology - Speech pathologist as required. No fee
- Supported Recreation - Low Vision Craft Group Men'Shed Tel. 8641 9160
- Therapy Service - Multidisciplinary therapy services. Fees vary depending on service
Last updated: 24/04/2023
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Port Augusta City Council
Electorate (State): Stuart
Electorate (Federal): Grey

- 509Aged
- 577Crafts
- 3 Basketry
- 3 Beading
- 3 Calligraphy
- 1 Copperwork
- 14 Crochet
- 1 Doll Making
- 3 Dyeing
- 20 Embroidery
- 1 Fabric Design & Painting
- 20 Flower Arranging
- 5 Folk Art
- 13 Gem Crafts
- 5 Glass Work
- 4 Gold & Silversmithing
- 5 Jewellery Making
- 1 Kites
- 31 Knitting
- 7 Lacemaking
- 2 Leatherwork
- 1 Macrame
- 12 Metal Work
- 6 Mosaics
- 10 Needlecraft
- 1 Paper Making
- 53 Patchwork, Quilting
- 1 Picture Framing
- 13 Pottery, Ceramics
- 3 Printmaking
- 7 Scrapbooking
- 26 Sewing
- 1 Silk Painting
- 2 Soft Toys & Furnishings
- 19 Spinning
- 3 Tapestry
- 3 Threadwork
- 1 Wearable Art
- 12 Weaving
- 2 Woodburning
- 6 Woodcraft
- 65Day Care
- 409Fitness
- 37 Aerobics
- 59 Gentle Exercise
- 1 Jogging
- 29 Pilates
- 515Personal Development
- 2194Recreation Activities
- 218 After School Activities
- 17 Air Training Groups
- 35 Cadets
- 152 Community Centres
- 53 Community Shed Programs
- 70 Day Options
- 25 Drop-In Centres
- 50 Guiding
- 34 Licensed Clubs
- 33 Lodges (Societies)
- 10 Marching
- 6 Schools For Seniors
- 100 Scouting
- 146 Senior Citizens Clubs
- 852 Social & Activity Groups
- 40 Youth Clubs
- 507Support & Resource Groups