Burra Playgroup
Burra Playgroup

8 Bridge Tce Burra, SA 5417

08 8892 2373

08 8892 2119
Director ELC, Sarah Stoddart
Fri 9.30am - 11.30am, Burra Early learning Centre
Playgroup is a great way to meet other parents with small children and provides an informal atmosphere to relax and spend valuable time learning with your child.
- Playgroup for babies to pre-schoolers
- Supported Playgroup Tues 9.30am-11.30am at Burra ELC. This service is for parents/carers and their children to join in activities with an educator guided program.
Last updated: 06/06/2023
Information provided for: Goyder Council (Regional Council of Goyder)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Goyder Council (Regional Council of Goyder)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Regional Council of Goyder
Electorate (State): Frome
Electorate (Federal): Grey