Australian Air League - Gawler Airfield Squadron
Australian Air League - Gawler Airfield Squadron
formerly Australian Air League - Munno Para Squadron
A youth organisation promoting aviation

Adelaide Soaring Club 1 Ward Belt Rd Ward Belt, SA 5118

1800 502 175

0408 842 708

PO Box 391 Elizabeth, SA 5112
Parent Body:
Australian Air League Inc
Officer Commanding, Andrew Jacks
Wed 7pm - 9pm during school terms
Young people 8-18yrs
A disciplined, uniformed, fun, national youth organisation encouraging an interest in aviation as a career or hobby
- Aviation activities - model making, joy flights, learn to fly, flight simulator, navigation
- Social activities - camps, outings, games, sport
- Skills development - leadership, self discipline, teamwork, resourcefulness and self reliance
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
Last updated: 03/06/2024
Information provided for: Light Regional Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Information provided for: Light Regional Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Waleed.
Council: Light Regional Council
Electorate (State): Light
Electorate (Federal): Spence