National Trust of SA - Burnside Branch
National Trust of SA - Burnside Branch

Committee: 3rd Fri of month, 10.30am
Members: 2nd Fri of Mar, Sept, Dec at 7.00pm Admission fee applicable.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Burnside Branch AGM held last Sun of August at 10am (members only).
Beaumont House is open for Tours (includes afternoon tea) on first Sunday of month (except Jan), 2-4.30pm. Admission fee applicable. Special Group Tours at other times by arrangement.
Beaumont House is a State Heritage listed property built in 1849 by Augustus Short, the first Anglican Bishop of Adelaide, and after, the home of Sir Samuel Davenport, politician, horticulturist & pioneer of the olive oil industry in SA. The house has a distinctive Mediterranean character with an open brickwork parapet in soft terracotta colours and a central flat roof originally accessed by a staircase.
Hear stories of the people who lived at Beaumont House, previously known as Claremont. Take a walk through the garden and enjoy afternoon tea on the verandah.
Opening is subject to change in accordance with Government Health regulations.
- Heritage conservation - protection and preservation of buildings and precincts of historical, architectural, scientific, social and aesthetic significance
- Conservation of land and living resources - nature reserves, areas of historic or scientific interest
Information provided for: Burnside Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.