Brighton Historical Society Inc
Brighton Historical Society Inc

24 Jetty Rd Brighton, SA 5048

08 8298 1959 H

Ringwood House 14 Jetty Rd Brighton, SA 5048
Mrs Jill Golley, President
Meetings Monthly 1st Thurs except January, June, July and August.
The Society (founded in 1983) aims to enthuse people about the history of the locality; to record the changing character of Brighton; to work closely with the Holdfast Bay History Centre; and conduct historic tours of the area and St Jude's Cemetery.
- Local history group
Last updated: 07/09/2022
Information provided for: Holdfast Bay Council
This record was updated by: Julia.
Information provided for: Holdfast Bay Council
This record was updated by: Julia.
Council: City of Holdfast Bay
Electorate (State): Gibson
Electorate (Federal): Boothby