Lower Eyre Council
Lower Eyre Council

32 Railway Tce Cummins, SA 5631

08 8676 0400

08 8676 2375

PO Box 41 Cummins, SA 5631
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Branch address:
- Main Office
- Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
- Railway Terrace, Cummins
- PO Box 41 Cummins SA 5631
- ABN: 13 559 739 724
- Phone: (08) 8676 0400
- Fax: (08) 8676 2375
- Email: mail@dclep.sa.gov.au
- Branch Office (Development)
- Open to public Mon-Fri 9am to 1pm
- 38 Washington Street, Port Lincoln
- PO Box 130 Port Lincoln SA 5606
- Ph: (08) 8623 0600
- Email: development@dclep.sa.gov.au
Covering 4,754 square kilometres with a resident population of 5,014 the District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula is renowned for its magnificent rural and pristine coastal scenery, as well as thriving agricultural, fishing and tourism industries.
- Accommodation for the aged - independent living units
- Animal and plant control
- Environmental health services
- Planning and development services
- Public library services
- Roads, cycle paths and footpaths
- Recreation and sport
- Waste management and recycling - including collection of farm chemical containers
- Youth Advisory Council
- Caravan Park - Cummins
- Recycling Depot - Cummins & Coffin Bay
Last updated: 20/03/2024
Information provided for: Lower Eyre Peninsula District Council
This record was updated by: Lower Eyre Peninsula Council (Cummins School Community Library).
Information provided for: Lower Eyre Peninsula District Council
This record was updated by: Lower Eyre Peninsula Council (Cummins School Community Library).
Council: Lower Eyre Peninsula
Electorate (State): Flinders
Electorate (Federal): Grey