District Council of Mount Remarkable
District Council of Mount Remarkable

3-5 Stuart St Melrose, SA 5483

08 8666 2014

08 8666 2169

PO Box 94 Melrose, SA 5483
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
CEO, Wayne Hart
Administration Officer, Tammy Bastian
Administration Officer, Tammy Bastian
The District Council of Mount Remarkable encompasses a spectacular and diverse piece of the Southern Flinders Ranges; from Port Germein which hosts the historic Port Germein Jetty to Melrose the oldest town in the Flinders Ranges situated at the foothills of the impressive Mount Remarkable. The scenic Wirrabara Forest, historic town of Wilmington with Alligator Gorge only a short drive away and Booleroo Centre our service hub, all make for a truly remarkable experience.
- Dog and cat management
- Planning and development services
- Roads, cycle paths and footpaths
- Waste management and recycling
Last updated: 01/10/2022
Information provided for: Mount Remarkable Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Information provided for: Mount Remarkable Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Council: Mount Remarkable
Electorate (State): Stuart
Electorate (Federal): Grey