Olympic Dam Native Title Representative Corporation
Olympic Dam Native Title Representative Corporation

15 Mackay St Port Augusta, SA 5700

08 8691 9813

08 8691 9840

PO Box 329 Port Augusta , SA 5700
Penny Woodforde
- Information about employment, training, contracting and business opportunities at Olympic Dam to Aboriginal people resident in the Northern Region of South Australia
- Facilitates distribution of information on behalf of NTP Rep Corp to the Barngarla, Kokatha and Kuyani Management Committees and other relevant parties (Olympic Dam contracting opportunities, general updates from BHP and other information as provided by BHP)
- Provides a shop-front for Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust, established as part of the Olympic Dam Agreement and through which Aboriginal people can apply for support when funding rounds are announced by the Trust Advisory Council
Last updated: 22/09/2024
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Council: Port Augusta City Council
Electorate (State): Stuart
Electorate (Federal): Grey