Country Arts SA - Southern Eyre Peninsula
Country Arts SA - Southern Eyre Peninsula

62 Tasman Terrace Port Lincoln, SA 5606 Australia

08 8639 7907

0427 800 157

08 8683 0204

PO Box 2411 Port Lincoln, SA 5606 Australia
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
The principal provider of arts programs to regional South Australia; fosters cultural and artistic growth in regional and remote communities
- Develops performing arts touring programs for performing arts centres and other regional communities
- Develops and manages visual arts touring programs
- Arts funding programs to support the development of regional artists and communities
- Advocacy for continuing development of the arts in country South Australia
- Arts information and advisory service for country South Australians
Last updated: 12/10/2021
Information provided for: Port Lincoln Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Port Lincoln Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Port Lincoln
Electorate (State): Flinders
Electorate (Federal): Grey

- 2451Arts
- 126 Community Arts
- 577 Crafts
- 3 Design Arts
- 22 Literature
- 1412 Performing Arts
- 249 Visual Arts
- 126Community Arts
- 28Grants
- 1412Performing Arts
- 490 Dance
- 166 Entertainment
- 18 Film
- 539 Music
- 10 Stagecraft
- 104 Theatre
- 249Visual Arts
- 12 Art Appreciation
- 39 Art Classes
- 24 Art Societies
- 32 Drawing
- 1 Etching
- 69 Painting
- 33 Photography
- 6 Sculpture