Rural City of Murray Bridge
Rural City of Murray Bridge

2 Seventh St Murray Bridge, SA 5253

08 8539 1100

08 8532 2766

PO Box 421 Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Located approximately 75km from Adelaide, Murray Bridge is the major centre on the Murray River north of Lake Alexandrina and is 26 metres above sea level. The total population of the council area is estimated to be approximately 19,742 people. It is a typical sprawling rural centre with a grain silo on the skyline and vegetable gardens, hothouses and light industry surrounding the city centre.
- Community development
- Community Events, Grants and Donations Program
- Home and Community Care - home help, respite for carers, home modification, social support
- Dog and cat management
- Environmental health services
- Hall for hire
- Murraylands Youth Get Engaged Network (MYGEN) for young people aged 12-25
- Planning and development services
- Public library services
- Residential aged care - Lerwin Nursing Home
- Roads, cycle paths and footpaths
- Recreation and sport
- Volunteer program
- Waste management and recycling
Last updated: 19/02/2025
Information provided for: Murray Bridge Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Murray Bridge Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: Rural City of Murray Bridge
Electorate (State): Hammond
Electorate (Federal): Barker