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Make-A-Wish Australia - Barossa Valley Branch
Make-A-Wish Australia - Barossa Valley Branch

Nuriootpa, SA 5355

1800 032 260

0418 843 708

PO Box 64 Greenock, SA 5360
Make-A-Wish® Australia creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. From the simple to the seemingly impossible, wishes complement medical treatment – working to calm, distract and empower sick kids at the time they need it most.
Our vision is to grant the wish of every eligible child. As a trusted children’s charity, we rely completely on the generosity of volunteers, donors and partners to make it happen.
- Make-A-Wish Australia - support for children with life-threatening medical conditions
- Fundraising
- Volunteering opportunities
Last updated: 30/04/2023
Information provided for: Barossa Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Barossa Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: The Barossa Council
Electorate (State): Schubert
Electorate (Federal): Barker